Lahore Postal Code – 2025 Complete Lahore Zip Codes List

Lahore Postal Codes

Lahore Pakistan features a detailed lahore postal code system that simplifies mail delivery and location identification  all over the city. These five-digit codes, also known as postcodes or ZIP codes, play a crucial role in ensuring efficient communication within the city.

Lahore Postal Code 05464 helps streamline mail delivery and improve navigation across the city.

On this page you will find complete list of Lahore  postal codes 2025, this makes easier for residents, businesses, and visitors to navigate the city and receive mail accurately.

Complete List of Lahore Postal Codes 2025

Below is the detailed list of postal codes for various areas in Lahore:

AreaPostal Code
Adda Chabeel54630
Agriculture House54670
Allama Iqbal Road54680
Amer Sidhu54490
Baghbanpura NPO54660
Bilal Gunj54661
CG Office54560
Chah Miran NPO54710
Chowk Ichhra (CPOL-825)53060
Chuburgi Garden Estate54880
DSPSuth Divn Lahore53020
EP Centre Sadar Bazar54320
Faisal Town53030
Faiz Bagh54730
Ferozpur Road53050
Fortress Stadium54330
Gulab Devi Hospital53070
Gulberg Colony NPO54570
Gulberg N. (CPOL-1318)54580
Gunj Moghal Pura54790
Jahangir Town54520
Kot Lakhpat54500
L.C.C.H Society PO54540
L.C.C.H Society NPO54550
Lahore Airport LSG54360
Lahore Airport (Batch-I)54370
Lahore Airport (Batch-II)54380
M Block Model Town53040
Margazar Colony54870
Masjid Khalid54390
Mehboob Booti (CPOL 1388)54640
Misri Shah54740
Multan Road PO54900
Multan Road NPO54890
Nabi Pura54800
Naulakha NPO54690
New Garden Town N. (CPOL-1100)53090
Nishat Colony54400
Nishtar Colony54410
Ordinance Depot54340
Pakistan Mint54650
Pakki Thatti54930
Qarshi Dawa Khana54940
R.A Bazar54420
Railway Headquarter HSG54700
Rang Mahal NPO54450
Rang Mahal PO54460
Rasool Park53100
Rehman Pura PO53110
Rotary Centre (CPOL-1347)53120
Rustomhrab Cycle Factory54830
S&S EP Centre PO54920
Saddar Bazar PO54350
Samanabad PO53010
Samanabad NPO54950
Shad Bagh54750
Shah Alam Market NPO54470
Shah Noor54860
Shahdra Bagh54840
Shahdra Town PO54820
Shalimar Town54660
Sultan Pura54760
V R Institute54310
Wahdat Colony PO53130
Chah Miran54900
Aitcheson College54030
Allama Iqbal Town54570
Awan Coloney54780
Bahria Town53720
E.M.Eciety P.O53710
Engineering University54890
Lhr Gpo54000
Kohinoor Energy55160
Multan Roadst Office54500
New University Campus54590
Pmg Punjabst Office54560
Pt & T Audit54550
Punjab Governor House54880
Lhr Secondary Board54650
Shadman Women Model P.O54610
Manga Mandi55270
Niaz Beg Thokar53700
Rewaz Garden54510
River View Lahore54784
Shah Alam Market54100
Shahdara Bagh54950
Shahi Mohallah54110
Timber Market54120
A.I Town (CPOL -1199)54250
Badami Bagh54120
Chowk Qurtaba54020
Data Gunj Buksh54130
Data Nagar54140
Flatties Hotel54150
Gor Estate54030
High Court PO54040
Islampura PO54050
Kamyab PO54170
Kamyab NPO54160
Lahore GPO54000
Lahore Kutchery54180
Lakshmi Chowk54190
Madina Chokst Office54060
Mansoora NPO54270
Mochi Gate54200
N.U Campus54280
New Fruit Market54980
Pakistan Times54210
Punjab University (Old Campus)54220
Race Course Road54070
Rehman Pura54970
Session Court PO54080
Shadman Colony NPO54100
Shadman Colony PO54090
Shahdra Town54290
Sher Shah Colony54990
Taj Company PO54240
Taj Company NPO54230
Wapda Town PO54260
Bata Pur53400
C.M.A. Cantt.54800
Lhr Cantt54810
Defence Housing Society54792
Ferozepur Road54600
Gulberg Colony54660
Harbans Pura54850
Ismail Nagar54760
Kahna Nau53100
Model Town54700
Lhr Tajpura54870
Township Sector A-154770
Johar Town54782


Why Postal Codes Matter

    • Efficient Mail Delivery: Postal codes streamline the sorting and delivery of mail, ensuring it reaches its intended destination promptly.
    • Location Identification: Each postal code corresponds to a specific area in Lahore, simplifying navigation and address identification.
    • Convenience: Knowing the correct postal code enhances convenience for both senders and recipients, ensuring smooth mail delivery within Lahore.

    General Postal Code of Lahore

    The general postal code for Lahore is 54000, representing the Lahore General Post Office (GPO). However, every locality within Lahore has its unique postal code to ensure precise mail delivery.


    The postal code of Lahore Gulberg 3 is 54660.

    The postal code of Shahdara Lahore is 54950.

    The postal code of Sabzazar Lahore is 54572.

    The postal code of Bahria Town Lahore is 53720.

    The postal code of Lahore Cantt is 54810.

    No, 05464 is for a specific area. Lahore has multiple ZIP codes for different locations.

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